The Oils and Plants Oil Finder Database, helps you quickly find which Essential Oils to use for which ailment. Type in the name of an Essential Oil or an Ailment to find the definition. You will find fuller explanations on our Ailments and Essential Oil pages.

Please note that this is only a guide to help you identify which oils are good for which ailments and vice versa. Once you have found the oil that suits your needs, please read the whole article for that oil to find out any contraindications and if it is the right oil for you.

Here are the results for the letter g

Galbanum has been used as an incense in various religions for thousands of years, and is mentioned both in the Old Testament and Egyptian papyri. Dioscorides and other early medical writers describe Galbanum as painkilling, antispasmodic, diuretic and emmenagogue.

See our Galbanum Oil Page for indepth information.

Treatment is mainly through diet, and surgery may be necessary in severe cases, but massage over the area of the gall-bladder (below the liver in the right-hand side of the diaphragm) can help to reduce pain. Lavender and Rosemary are the two oils that have been found the most helpful.

It is one of the most powerful of all antiseptic oils known. It has many other important actions, particularly in decongesting and detoxifying, and in its effect on the blood and circulation It should be admitted, though, that because of the smell this oil If very little used in external treatments, and is most often used In the form of capsules or 'perles' for internal treatment. Documented properties of garlic essential oil include analgesic, antibacterial, anticoagulant, antifungal, antiviral, calmative, decongestant, disinfectant, diruetic, expectorant, hypotensor, insecticide, laxtive, stimulant, tonic, lymphatic toner, vasodilator.

See our Garlic Oil Page for indepth information.

It has often been used to ease the effect of PMS. An astringent oil excellent for all skin types. Used in skin care products for both its fragrance and cleansing properties. Useful insect repellent. For massage where there is cellulite and treating eczema and psoriasis. Blends well with other floral oils, and, mixed with Lavender and Bergamot produces a delightful room freshener. Also has a stimulating effect on the lymphatic system which keeps Infection at bay and disposes of waste products. It is also a tonic to the circulation, making it more fluid. Effective in throat and mouth infections - if the sweet aromatic flavour appeals. Its pain relieving qualities also helps ease neuralgia. Generally has a clearing effect on mucous, mainly of the digestive system and may be good for gastritis and colitis . An aromatic insect repellent.

See our Geranium Oil Page for indepth information.

Good for nausea and sickness. Blend with orange for warming winter baths. Blends especially well with orange and other citrus oils. Especially helpful where there is excess of moisture as in catarrh, influenza and runny colds. Sore throats and tonsillitis can also be eased. Though a warming oil tending to counteract ailments caused by dampness, is a so able to reduce feverish conditions by increasing activity of sweat glands subsequently cooling the body down.

See our Ginger Oil Page for indepth information.

This is the name given to inflammation of the gums (Latin, gingiva) due to bacterial infection. There are a number of essences which are useful against the bacteria which cause gum infections, the most important of which are Sage and Thyme. (Thymol, a derivative of thyme oil, is used in the majority of commercial mouthwashes.) The essences of Fennel and Mandarin are also valuable in strengthening the gums, and Myrrh is another indispensable ingredient, for its healing and tonic properties.

Essential oils can be used in a variety of ways to achieve these results. Detoxifying oils, such as Cypress, Fennel, Juniper and Lemon are used in baths and massage to help the body throw off poisons. Painkilling oils, such as Benzoin, Camomile, Lavender and Rosemary are used in baths, local massage or compresses on the affected joints, and local circulation can be improved by the use of rubefacient oils - Black Pepper, Ginger and Marjoram, for example.

See our Gout Page for various natural remedies to help this condition.

Grapefruit essential oil is anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, anti-septic, detoxifying, anti-depressant, immune boosting, skin-toning and mentally rejuvenating. It is used to treat acne, oily skin, cellulite, muscle stiffness, water retention, obesity, colds, flu, depression, headaches, jet-lag, stress and nervous exhaustion. It is good for use in a diffuser to disinfect a room.

See our Grapefruit Oil Page for indepth information.

Rose is perhaps the best oil to use when dealing with grief. Blended with Benzoin which gives warmth and comfort. Marjoram is another warming oil and can give great comfort especially if there is an element of loneliness combined with grief. One of the most important elements when dealing with grief is the care and sensitivity of the therapist towards the grieving person.

Oils of Bergamot, Camomile, Lavender and Melissa may also be combined to uplift the spirits. The following blends have been especially successful with grieving patients.

BLEND 1                     BLEND 2


2 drops
3 drops


2 drops
3 drops

BLEND 3                    BLEND 4

Rose Sandlewood

2 drops
6 drops
6 drops


1 drop
1 drop
2 drops
1 drops

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