Aromatic baths are one of the most important forms of healing treatment in aromatherapy, and are very versatile in application. A bath with essential oils can be relaxing or sedative, stimulating, tonic, aphrodisiac, warming or cooling. It can give relief from muscular pain and skin conditions and act as a treatment or preventive measure for many physical conditions, depending simply on the choice of oils added to the bath.
The method of preparing a healing bath is the same as for all other aromatic bath treatments: fill the bath first with comfortably hot water, and just before getting into the bath, sprinkle about 6 drops of your essential oil mixture onto the water and stir it around with your hand to disperse the oil. Do not prepare the bath in advance, as you would then lose much of the value of the highly-volatile oils. You may prefer to add the essential oil to a carrier oil, or some other dilutant, such as milk or vodka, before adding it to the water, especially if you have a sensitive skin. Dilution in this way is essential if you are making a bath for a baby or young child.
The following recipes should be made in advance, mix your oils in amber bottles and shaken well before use. Add 6 - 8 drops of your blend to your bath water.
Arthritis: 3 drops rosemary, 3 drops marjoram, and 2 drops ginger.
Depression: 2 drops jasmine, 2 drops rose, and 1 drop melissa.
Fluid Retention or Oedema: 2 drops rosemary, 4 drops juniper, 2 drops lavender, and 2 cups sea salt.
PMS Fluid Retention: 2 drops lavender and 4 drops juniper.
PMS Mood Improvement: 2 drops neroli, 2 drops clary sage, 2 drops ylang-ylang and a handful of sea salt.
Headaches: 4 drops rosemary, 2 drops pine, and 2 drops eucalyptus.
High Blood Pressure: 4 drops geranium and 1 drop orange essential oil.
Stiff, Sore Muscles: 6 drops rosemary, 5 drops juniper, 3 drops lavender, and 2 cups Epsom salts.
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