Oils and Plants
This website has been put together out of a life long passion for Aromatherapy oils and medicinal plants and herbs. The links above will take you to articles on individual essential oils and their uses, recipes for bath oils and creams, information on herbs, plants, famous aromatherapists and herbalists, medical matters and methods of use. The right hand menu within each section will take you to pages available in that section.
We don't have a contact page as we cannot give individual diagnosis or advice. All of the information we have is on the website and we update it as often as possible with new content. We realise that there are a lot of sceptics out there who don't agree with some of the views we have published here. That's OK, we're all entitled to our opinions and if you are one of those people then, this website is not for you.
If you would like to help us keep the website going, then just buy some of the products on offer on each of the pages. The links go directly to amazon.co.uk, where you can log into your account and purchase oils or carriers etc. We then receive a small commission. We are not involved in the actual sales as this is between you and Amazon and we do not see any of your financial information. A very big thank you to all those kind soles who have helped us thus far.
The Oils and Plants Oil Finder Database, helps you quickly find which Essential Oils to use for which ailment. Type in the name of an Essential Oil or an Ailment to find the definition. You will find fuller explanations on our Ailments and Essential Oil pages.
Oils and Plants was the first website to introduce this unique database, which has been popular for many years amongst the visitors to our website.
Please note that this is only a guide to help you identify which oils are good for which ailments and vice versa. Once you have found the oil that suits your needs, please read the whole article for that oil to find out any contraindications and if it is the right oil for you.

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